Dutch Journal of Haematology (NTvH)

The Dutch Journal of Haematology (NTvH) is published 8 times a year and is distributed through controlled circulation in the Netherlands free-of-charge to haematologists, paediatricians, transfusion doctors, laboratory physicians, internal medicine specialists working in the field of vascular medicine and those in training for these specialisations. The Dutch Journal of Haematology is the official platform of the Dutch Society of Haematology (NVvH) and the clinical research organisation HOVON.

NTvH is a practical and informative medical journal. The aim of the journal is to provide insight and overview of the latest medical developments to medical specialist who are working in a clinical setting. Through NTvO, one is informed quickly about new relevant developments for clinical practice in the field of haematology. The content is compiled by an independent editorial board, written by medical specialists in Haematology and is peer-reviewed in order to warrant objective information.

Of course, NTvH is open to contributions from readers. Spontaneous submissions can be published after review and approval by the editorial board. More information about submissions is available under: Submission of manuscripts.

For articles from NTvH, check: www.ntvh.nl or click on the cover.

Editorial Board


dr. C.W. Choi, internist-hematoloog, UMCG, Groningen



dr. L.F.D. van Vulpen, Internist-hematoloog, UMCU, Utrecht


dr. M. Belderbos, groepsleider en kinderoncoloog, Prinses Máxima Centrum voor Kinderoncologie, Utrecht
dr. A. Broijl, Internist-hematoloog, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
dr. D. Claushuis, aios Interne geneeskunde, Amsterdam UMC, locatie AMC, Amsterdam
dr. M.F. Corsten, Internist-hematoloog, Meander Medisch Centrum, Amersfoort
dr. M. van Gelder, internist-hematoloog, Maastricht UMC+
dr. L.M de Haan, (Hemato)patholoog, LUMC Leiden
dr. F.C.J.I. Heubel-Moenen, internist-hematoloog, Maastricht UMC+
prof. dr. P.M. Hoogerbrugge, kinderarts, Prinses Máxima Centrum, Utrecht
drs. E.J. Huijssen-Huisman, kinderarts-hematoloog, Erasmus MC Sophia kinderziekenhuis, Rotterdam

dr. M. Jak, internist-hematoloog, MS Hematologie, UMC Utrecht
dr. P.A. Kramer, Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, Amsterdam
dr. M.T. Kuipers, internist-hematoloog, Amsterdam UMC, locatie VUmc, Amsterdam
dr. M.D. Levin, internist-hematoloog, Albert Schweitzer Ziekenhuis, Dordrecht
drs. H.S. de Lil, internist-hematoloog, Máxima MC, Veldhoven
dr. T. Netelenbos, internist-hematoloog en transfusiespecialist, HagaZiekenhuis, Den Haag
dr. D. te Raa, internist-hematoloog, Gelderse Vallei, Ede
dr. B.A. van der Reijden, moleculair bioloog, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
dr. A.W. Rijneveld, internist-hematoloog, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam
dr. S.E.M. Schols, internist-hematoloog, Radboudumc, Nijmegen
Dr. J.M.I. Vos, internist-hematoloog, Amsterdam UMC & Sanquin, Amsterdam
dr. L. Th. Vlasveld, internist-hematoloog, tot juni 2019 Haaglanden Medisch Centrum, Den Haag; gepensioneerd

Submission of manuscripts

Author Instructions

These author instructions provide a detailed overview of the requirements for the different article types of the journal.

Patient consent

If your manuscript contains photo’s, scans or videos of patients, please print and return this form of written consent to us after it has been signed by both the patient and yourself as author of the manuscript.


All authors of an article need to sign the copyright form.


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